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Versão Completa: MyBB SQL Error
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Enquanto estava a tentar publicar uma resposta, apanhei um erro que poderá ser relevante para o funcionamento geral da board.

Citar:MyBB SQL Error

MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.

SQL Error:
    1366 - Incorrect integer value: 'perm' for column 'lifted' at row 1
    INSERT INTO mybb_banned (`uid`,`admin`,`gid`,`oldgroup`,`dateline`,`bantime`,`lifted`,`reason`,`oldaddit​ionalgroups`) VALUES ('18153','0','7','2','1406586345','perm','perm','Automatically banned by the Akismet system for spamming.','')

Ocorreu quando publiquei este post.
$ sql = "INSERT INTO NEWSLETTER (name, email) 
('$ _POST [name]', '$ _ POST [email]') "; 

This is only IF your table is named: NEWSLETTER named professional assignment writers
and your fields in your NEWSLETTER table are name, and email. The id should auto increment, setup as an identity, so you do not need to add that manually. name, and email. The id should auto increment, setup as an identity, so you do not need to add that manually. 

[color=#26282a][size=small]IMPORTANT NOTE: I would HIGHLY stress you to sanitize your data. (Make sure it is safe from SQL injection) ->][/color]
$sql="INSERT INTO NEWSLETTER (name,email) 

This is only IF your table is named : NEWSLETTER 
and your fields in your NEWSLETTER table are name, and email. The id should auto increment, setup as an identity, so you don't need to add that manually. professional assignment writers

[color=#26282a][size=small]IMPORTANT NOTE: I would HIGHLY stress that you sanitize your data. (Make sure it is safe from SQL injection) ->][/color]
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