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Do Not BUY Vaio VPCSB31FX/B - HD problem - Versão de Impressão

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Do Not BUY Vaio VPCSB31FX/B - HD problem - mariaalice - 06-03-2012 22:20

I used my notebook Sony VPCSB31FX/B twice and the HD-500Gb is not working anymore. The Sony support told me that I must buy another HD-500Gb, and only the retail Sony store can sell it.

So, I must spend another $ 300,00 (new HD and services) to fix it, and the store give me only 3 months garantee.

Does someone have the same problem?Mad

RE: Do Not BUY Vaio VPCSB31FX/B - HD problem - progster - 06-03-2012 22:28

It depends...
Qual é o problema? Wink

RE: Do Not BUY Vaio VPCSB31FX/B - HD problem - mariaalice - 06-03-2012 23:20

I used the notebook twice, for 5 hrs. When I turn it on again, the message "No Operating System" appered and strange noise was heard.

The SONY authorized repair just told me that the HD must be changed.

RE: Do Not BUY Vaio VPCSB31FX/B - HD problem - progster - 06-03-2012 23:39

Isso depende do local onde compraste o portátil, e da respetiva garantia.

RE: Do Not BUY Vaio VPCSB31FX/B - HD problem - mariaalice - 07-03-2012 16:46

The issue is not where I bought it, but the fact that Sony Vaio VPCSB31FX/B, serial number: 275495013002060, was sold with an HD-500Gb that does not work. It worked for only 5 hours. How many others VPCSB31FX/B are being sold with the same problem?

I bought the VPCSB31FX/B, serial number: 275495013002060, at Sony Store-NY, and I paid all the fees/taxes in the Brazilian´s customs. So the product is legal!

The Sony site ( states: "Notebooks Sony importados, possuem garantia com o Lojista, caso devidamente tributado terá a Sony do Brasil responsabilidade solidária na garantia."

Sony must apologize and fix it for me!

RE: Do Not BUY Vaio VPCSB31FX/B - HD problem - progster - 07-03-2012 17:12

Eu não disse que o "issue" é o local onde o compraste, queria sim referir-me à política de garantias praticada por cada pais.
Apesar de não estar por dentro do assunto, e de não conhecer completamente a garantia "Portuguesa", sei quase de certeza em conforme deve ser diferente da garantia americana.

Assumindo que o portátil em questão não sofreu nenhum "acidente", se o tivesses comprado em Portugal era uma questão (dependendo de algumas variáveis) de o enviar para a marca, e se a mesma verificasse que era defeito de fabrico então tratava do assunto. Wink

O que te aconteceu, assumindo que foi isso mesmo, é uma situação rara, logo e apesar de ter conhecimento de outros problemas da marca, não vejo razão para o titulo deste tópico.

P.S.: Porque responderes em inglês, quanto te respondem em Português?... Big Grin

RE: Do Not BUY Vaio VPCSB31FX/B - HD problem - JPedrosa - 07-03-2012 17:14

The Sony Vaio has nothing to do with this.

You seem to have just a case of bad service from the Local Assistance, nothing more.

And i say "it seems", because most likely they have proved that the laptop was dropped or something to damage the HDD Wink

RE: Do Not BUY Vaio VPCSB31FX/B - HD problem - brunoantunes - 07-03-2012 17:18

Why are you speaking in english? You understand portuguese.

What happened in that 5hrs of use?What did you installed/uninstalled?

There are several company's who, at least once, sold a broken equipment..HP, Toshiba, Apple, Microsoft, you name it...The thing is, why are they not repairing it...

Did you send the notebook to sony or you just call them?
When did you bought the laptop?
Why are they saying that you are responsible for the broken HD?
Did they believe you broke it, or maybe they believe the computer is out of garantee?

RE: Do Not BUY Vaio VPCSB31FX/B - HD problem - mariaalice - 07-03-2012 19:18

Let answer the questions:

First, I am writing in english, as I would like to receive feedback from anyone.

I bought the product, and the case, in New York Sony Store on the 23rd, December 2011. On the same day, I turned on the computer and followed the steps. I came to Brazil, and I paid all the legal fees/taxes at the customs. I used the notebook twice (5 hours in total) in January.

I called Sony support in USA, and they asked me to send to a repair store in Brazil, as the message was "No Operating System" and a strange noise can be heard from the HD. The repair Sony store in Brazil, says that is a HD factory problem, as the product is brand new, there is no damage in te notebook, and all the other circuits are fine. The HD serial number is 91RBF7XXS, the VPCSB31FX/B serial number is 275495013002060.

Is not a question of garantee, as it was sold with a HD factory problem. I would like to know if another buyer is having the same problem, as it is a factory issue.

RE: Do Not BUY Vaio VPCSB31FX/B - HD problem - progster - 07-03-2012 19:25

(07-03-2012 19:18)mariaalice Escreveu:  First, I am writing in english, as I would like to receive feedback from anyone.

LOL Enfim...