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[PROBLEMA] Perda de ligação à Net - Versão de Impressão

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[PROBLEMA] Perda de ligação à Net - André Torga - 09-06-2009 19:04


Sony VAIO VGN-FE11S + Windows 7 RC (build 7100)
ZON 18 Mbps + D-Link DIR-615


Recentemente, pus-me a pesquisar sobre o anti-vírus Dr. Web e decidi experimentá-lo. Efectuei o download e experimentei instalar mas como possuo o Windows 7 RC (build 7100), não me permitiu por questões de incompatibilidade. Resolvi o assunto, alterando o instalador para correr como se estivesse no Windows Vista SP2. Prossegui normalmente até que ao final da instalação, aparece-me um BSoD. Reinicia o PC, corre o Windows normalmente e ao tentar desinstalar, não encontro nenhuma entrada para o programa, nem no desinstalador nativo do Windows nem no Revo Uninstaller Portable. Decido remover os ficheiros manualmente mas a 3 deles não me é permitida a remoção. Perante esta situação, decido pesquisar até que ao fim de várias tentativas em modo normal e modo de segurança, lá consigo remover os 3 ficheiros utilizando os seguintes métodos: Unregistering malicious DLLs, Manual removal of malicious registry entries e Killing malicious processes and removing harmful files. Vasculhando depois nos Serviços do Windows, encontro uma entrada para o Dr. Web, a qual desactivei e removi com este método. Recorrendo ainda ao Ubuntu 9.04, correndo-o através do CD, pesquiso e removo os restantes ficheiros que ficaram no disco. Finalmente, através da dupla Avira AntiVir Personal + Windows Defender, pesquiso por eventuais ameaças e malware entranhados mas sem resultados positivos.

Agora o problema é o seguinte: não consigo aceder à net no Windows. Já vasculhei no router, repus as configurações de fábrica, reiniciei-o tanto pelo software como pelo hardware, reconfigurei as ligações no router e em todos os dispositivos em que utilizo Wi-Fi e nada. Estranho é que o mesmo ponto de acesso funciona em quaisquer dos meus dispositivos (iPhone 3G, Nintendo DS Lite e Nintendo Wii) e até no PC em questão correndo o Ubuntu mas no Windows é-me impossível. Sad

Será que alguém me pode ajudar com este problema? Unsure

EDIT 9.6.2009 19:20

Resultado do diagnóstico aos adaptores de rede

Citar:Diagnostics Information (Network Adapter)
Details about network adapter diagnosis:

Network adapter Wireless Network Connection driver information:

Description . . . . . . . . . . : Intel® PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection
Manufacturer . . . . . . . . . : Intel Corporation
Provider . . . . . . . . . . . : Microsoft
Version . . . . . . . . . . . :
Inf File Name . . . . . . . . . : C:\Windows\INF\netw5v32.inf
Inf File Date . . . . . . . . . : quarta-feira, 22 de Abril de 2009 00:47:42
Section Name . . . . . . . . . : Install_MPCIEX_Sony_3945_ABG_VISTA_MOW2
Hardware ID . . . . . . . . . . : pci\ven_8086&dev_4222&subsys_10518086
Instance Status Flags . . . . . : 0x180200a
Device Manager Status Code . . : 0
IfType . . . . . . . . . . . . : 71
Physical Media Type . . . . . . : 9

Diagnostics Information (Wireless Connectivity)
Details about wireless connectivity diagnosis:

Information for connection being diagnosed
Interface GUID: 28eb44bc-eb4c-4091-9489-e71f4bff5e64
Interface name: Intel® PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection
Interface type: Native WiFi

Connection incident diagnosed
Auto Configuration ID: 1
Connection ID: 1

Connection status summary
Connection started at: 2009-06-09 19:10:30-383
Profile match: Success
Pre-Association: Success
Association: Success
Security and Authentication: Success

List of visible access point(s): 6 item(s) total, 6 item(s) displayed
BSSID BSS Type PHY Signal(dB) Chnl/freq SSID
00-14-BF-D5-15-FD Infra g -93 11 Pedro
00-22-B0-80-AC-0C Infra <unknown> -30 11 Torga
00-1F-9F-D9-D6-47 Infra g -63 11 ThomsonBE2C38
00-18-39-37-BE-7E Infra g -52 6 MASR
00-22-15-F5-C3-03 Infra g -86 6 ZON-A7CE
00-1A-70-9C-BE-5A Infra g -90 6 Dentarmed

Connection History

Information for Auto Configuration ID 1

List of visible networks: 6 item(s) total, 6 item(s) displayed
BSS Type PHY Security Signal(RSSI) Compatible SSID
Infra g Yes 11 Yes Pedro
Infra <unknown> Yes 99 Yes Torga
Infra g Yes 61 Yes ThomsonBE2C38
Infra g Yes 80 Yes MASR
Infra g Yes 23 Yes ZON-A7CE
Infra g Yes 16 Yes Dentarmed

List of preferred networks: 1 item(s)
Profile: Torga
SSID: Torga
SSID length: 5
Connection mode: Infra
Security: Yes
Set by group policy: No
Connect even if network is not broadcasting: No
Connectable: Yes

Information for Connection ID 1
Connection started at: 2009-06-09 19:10:30-383
Auto Configuration ID: 1
Profile: Torga
SSID: Torga
SSID length: 5
Connection mode: Infra
Security: Yes
Pre-Association and Association
Connectivity settings provided by hardware manufacturer (IHV): No
Security settings provided by hardware manufacturer (IHV): No
Profile matches network requirements: Success
Pre-association status: Success
Association status: Success
Last AP: 00-22-b0-80-ac-0c
Security and Authentication
Configured security type: Open
Configured encryption type: WEP
802.1X protocol: No
Key exchange initiated: Yes
Unicast key received: No
Multicast key received: No
Number of security packets received: 0
Number of security packets sent: 0
Security attempt status: Success
Packet statistics
Ndis Rx: 123
Ndis Tx: 490
Unicast decrypt success: 5
Multicast decrypt success: 0
Unicast decrypt failure: 0
Multicast decrypt failure: 0
Rx success: 688
Rx failure: 0
Tx success: 39
Tx failure: 0
Tx retry: 0
Tx multiple retry: 0
Tx max lifetime exceeded: 0
Tx ACK failure: 0
Roaming history: 0 item(s)

Diagnostics Information (Wireless Connectivity)
Details about wireless connectivity diagnosis:

For complete information about this session see the wireless connectivity information event.

Helper Class: Auto Configuration
Initialize status: Success

Information for connection being diagnosed
Interface GUID: 28eb44bc-eb4c-4091-9489-e71f4bff5e64
Interface name: Intel® PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection
Interface type: Native WiFi

Result of diagnosis: There may be problem

Diagnostics Information (Wireless Network Adapter)
Details about wireless network adapter diagnosis:

For complete information about this session see the wireless connectivity information event.

Helper Class: Native WiFi MSM
Initialize status: Success

Information for connection being diagnosed
Interface GUID: 28eb44bc-eb4c-4091-9489-e71f4bff5e64
Interface name: Intel® PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection
Interface type: Native WiFi
Profile: Torga
SSID: Torga
SSID length: 5
Connection mode: Infra
Security: Yes
Connect even if network is not broadcasting: No

Result of diagnosis: There may be problem

Network Diagnostics Log
File Name: 0D92D22E-9D67-4AF6-B436-7F015AFD8B2C.Diagnose.Admin.0.etl

Collection information
Computer Name: PAULA-PC
Windows Version: 6.1
Architecture: x86
Time: Tuesday, June 09, 2009 7:13:38 PM