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Novo patch para Supreme Commander 2 ... - Versão de Impressão

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Novo patch para Supreme Commander 2 ... - aucrun - 07-03-2010 14:49

Encontra-se a partir de ontem disponivel na Steam o ultimo Update para Supreme Commander 2.

As melhorias e correcções são as seguintes, e serão actualizadas após reiniciar o Cliente da Steam:
- Improved path-finding and performance for larger games
- Navigation fixes for Cybran Protobrain and UEF experimental Transport
- Range rings for Illuminate Space Temple
- Rare Desync fix
- Improved Eyefinity support
- Victory message for Players in MP game
- Game type indicator on in-game scoreboard
- Dead player indication on in-game scoreboard
- Passworded games for your friends will now show up in the friends tab (see related known issues below)
- Setting Exclusions in skirmish lobby will no longer reset player choices (color, team etc)
- New Multiplayer Leaderboards
- Also added message to players when they leave the chat on Summary screen and on Skirmish
- Added [TEAM] tag to the messages that are sent to team only
- Highlight on top scores in summary screen
- MP UI polish - Multiple fixes and polish throughout the MP menus
- Balance and Tuning
- Proto Brain vision radius increased to 32. Was 10
- Soul Ripper, Darkenoid, Mega-Fortress and Star King Extreme crash damage set to 5000
- AC-1000 crash damage increased to 1500
- Fixed Cybran Gunship strategic icon
- Space Temple now shows its max range
- Proto Brain and Star King Extreme navigation radius fixed
- UEF Gunship RP cost increased to 5. Was 3
- AC-1000 RP cost decreased to 5. Was 6
- Wilfindja movement speed increased to 3.6. Was 3
- Gantry cost reduced to 400m/1300e. Was 450. Build Time reduced to 120. Was 150
- Decreased UEF Transport AA by 50%
- Fixed Illuminate Land Radar boost description
- Reduced Research Station mass cost to 375
- Megalith Energy cost reduced to 2300. Was 2650
- Cybranasaurus Energy cost reduced to 4900. Was 5250
- Urchinow Energy cost reduced to 2100. Was 2550
- Fatboy Energy cost reduced to 2350. Was 2690

Known issues
-Joining passworded games via the "Friends" list still not functioning to spec. Joining via standard game list fully functional
-Default games list is currently limited to games hosted in your current Global Steam region. We will be adding a "Show All Regions" button in the next patch. There is currently no limitation on inviting Friends from any region via Steam, however