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Problemas de qualidade no iPhone 5
01-10-2012, 09:19 (Esta mensagem foi modificada pela última vez a: 01-10-2012 09:21 por RaCcOn.)
Mensagem: #6
RE: Problemas de qualidade no iPhone 5
(01-10-2012 00:23)DGP_Maluco Escreveu:  Tenho o 4S e nunca tive esse problema nem ouvi falar nele.. Se me dizes que tem no 5 já acredito... Esta a ser alto flop

Não digas isso, afinal de contas apenas o iPhone tem problemas de qualidade ou defeitos de fabrico...ou será que no caso do iPhone qualquer defeito de fabrico não é desculpável mas nas outras marcas já é?

Resta a dúvida Wink

Samsung Galaxy S3

Citar:Battery Drains
Battery related issues are primarily related with the international variant of Samsung Galaxy S3. A large number of Galaxy S3 owners complained that the smartphone consumes a lot of battery in standby. According to an earlier report, a wrong entry in a system file is responsible for the issue. Cell Standby battery drain value is mistakenly set 10 times higher than the normal value; as a result, the smartphone calculates 50 to 70 percent more power consumption. A good thing is that the problem can be resolved by correcting the value.

Citar:Microphone Malfunctioning

According to FixYa, half of the problems surrounding Samsung Galaxy S3 are related with the in-built microphone. The problem can be noticed during voice calls. Reportedly, the person at the other end is not able to listen to the person on call utilizing the Galaxy S3. In some cases, the voice is low, while sometimes, there is no voice at all.

Citar:Wi-Fi Reception

Microphone malfunctioning is one of the major problem with Samsung’s latest flagship smartphone. Many users are complaining that they are not able to connect with Wi-Fi networks. If the Galaxy S3 succeeds in hooking up with Wi-Fi network, it fails to manage the connection and losses it after some time. Like battery drain issue, this problem is also fixable.


Overheating is a common problem with Samsung Galaxy S series smartphones, including the Galaxy S2. Probably the reasons behind it are the thin chassis and plastic backcover that simply cannot insulate heat.

Citar:Charging Issues

Another problem discovered in Samsung’s latest flagship smartphone occurs while the phone is being plugged to the charger. Some users are reporting that the Galaxy S3 is not able to bypass a certain battery level. One user said that his device was stuck at 4 percent battery level and the level could not go up any higher, despite of the fact that charger is plugged in the phone for hours. Another user claimed that his Galaxy S3 took 9 hours to gain 40 percent battery level.

Claro que outras marcas também dão problemas como foi o caso da HTC com o OneX que vi vários com problemas no Acelarometro bem como a Sony em alguns Xperia Arc simplesmente aqueciam muito... e a lente da camera apresentava um "pico" e creio que apenas apareceram unidades com esse problema nos USA.
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RE: Problemas de qualidade no iPhone 5 - RaCcOn - 01-10-2012 09:19

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