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Sera Burla? Aqui cheira a esturro.
06-12-2009, 18:38
Mensagem: #12
RE: Sera Burla? Aqui cheira a esturro.
Eu fui bem explicito desde inicio.
Aqui ficam os mails que trocámos...


To: EU

Hello Jeremy,
Thanks for the mail, i want you to know that the check you received is mine . i want you to take the check to the bank and cash it . i still
have interest in the bike. go and cash the check and deduct your money and get back to me asap.....
I will contact my shipper to get ready for the pick up of the bike from your location .
I wil be expecting you to have cashed the check
From: EU

Hello. I've received a cheque of £ 3,700. Is this you cheque?! How can the date in the cheque be "24/11/2009" if you sent the email to me on Nov 13?
What do you want me to do?! Are you still interested in the bike!? If you want me to send the money/cheque back to you I will need an address.
The price is still 800€.
From: EU

I have to say, this is very unusual. I don't know how you're used to doing business but you don't need to send the money before the pick up.
I will accept the money, in cash, at the time of the pick up at my house.
I don't know if this is some sort of scam but these are the terms for us to do business.
You send someone here to see/take the bike, and at that time I will receive the payment. Which is 800 €uros.
If I do indeed receive any check I will not cash it out. I will hold on to it until you send someone, or I'll destroy or mail it back it if you want.
I would also like to know where you are from and how you will pick up the bike? You do know I'm speaking from Portugal right?
To: EU

Thanks for the response towards your mail,i want to tell you that i am ok with the price and for accepting that you will be selling for
me , well i want you to know that i asked my personal assistance to make the payment on your name but when i get back to him he made me
understand that he made a mistake in the payment instead of sending you a check of 150euro he send you the sum of 1,500euro..the check of 1,500euro
was meant to be use for some miscellaneous at i will want you to understand that its a minor problem and i will want us to understand each
other that we can handle this little mistake so i will want you to keep your eyes posted to have your payment and when u get it kindly take it to
the nearest cashing store and get the money and help me send the rest to my shipper so he can use it to come over to your house for the pick up
so pls get back to me soonest.
PS: i sincerely regret any inconvenience this might cause you
_________________________________________________________________ From: EU

I don't like doing business with people I've never met. But anyway, here goes my address.
Jérémy Moreira Lima
Rua **** - O***********
24**-0** - A******
P**** ** ***
I hope this goes smoothly.
J. Lima
_________________________________________________________________ From: INGLES
To: EU

Te dejaré saber tan pronto como el cheque se envía a usted ..... la amabilidad de enviarme su información de contacto de nuevo ..
nombre completo .......
dirección completa, ciudad, código postal, número de teléfono
From: EU

Boa tarde.
Em anexo envio as fotos da mota.
O menu nome é Jérémy Moreira Lima. Vivo em ****, concelho de P****. O código postal é 2***.
O meu numero de telefone é 24*******. Já agora está a comunicar de onde? E caso esteja interessado como faremos o negócio?
Não me agrada fazer negócios sem conhecer as pessoas pessoalmente.

J. Lima

From: INGLEs
To: EU

Thanks for the mail, estou bem com o preço do item, eu quero que você me enviar a foto dele. Eu gosto de você para
me enviar o seu nome completo, endereço completo, CEP, telefone, para que eu possa fazer arranjo necessário para a pick up e enviar-lhe
o seu dinheiro em cheque. my number is +4*********
From: EU

Boa tarde.
Sim, ainda tenho a mota.
Ela está como mostra nas fotos.
E vendo-a por 800€.
J. Lima

Será que alguem me pode aconselhar!? Será que é alguma trafulhice?! tipo branqueamento ou assim!? é que acho tudo isto muito esquisito. Confused
PS- desculpem o tamanho do topico e a intromissão.
Desde ja obrigado

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RE: Sera Burla? Aqui cheira a esturro. - Mukambu - 06-12-2009 18:38

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