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Sites visitados na minha rede local
10-10-2011, 10:19 (Esta mensagem foi modificada pela última vez a: 10-10-2011 10:21 por nioxys.)
Mensagem: #4
RE: Sites visitados na minha rede local
Olá Smile

É ao contrário, instalas o server no teu PC (por exemplo) e o monitor nos PC que queres "controlar".

Citar:How to use the download files to install Track4Win ?

The program has two parts: Track4win Server and Track4win Monitor. You need install Track4Win Server on the computer where you receive the monitoring information, and install Track4Win Monitor on the computers you wish to monitor.

In Track4win Monitor program's Options, you must input the the server's computer name or its IP address in the Server Name field. (The default setting is localhost, which is for a single standalone computer monitoring. You need to change it for networked computer monitoring). Usually, this setting is the most important for Track4win setup.

You may also deploy Track4win Monitor with Silent Install method (run output.exe once on each client machine) You may use Active Directory or other tool like psexec to remotely run output.exe.

You don't need a formal server, and you can use any computer as a server machine to monitor other computers


“A neutron walks into a bar and asks how much for a drink. The bartender replies, ‘For you, no charge.’” - Sheldon Cooper
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RE: Sites visitados na minha rede local - nioxys - 10-10-2011 10:19

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